Information for Graduates

Where do I go to pick up my cap and gown and tickets?

Your cap and gown and tickets will be ready later this Spring for pick up. You will receive an announcement in your email when they are ready to be picked up.

I have a few guests that are in wheelchairs or can not walk very far coming to see me at the Graduation Ceremony, what do you recommend to make it easier for them?
There are several options.
1. Closest Option – You can drop off your guests before parking at the main entrance on Wells Street at 144 E. Wells Street and there are 4 steps and you are then in the main lobby.

2. Second Closest Option is wheelchair accessible and no steps – You can drop off your guests at the Milwaukee Center main entrance at 108 E. Wells street, come to the lobby and someone will greet you and show you how to get to the Pabst Theater.

3. Seating – The Pabst theater has seating in the back of the Theater for a limited number of wheelchairs and guests that may not wish go down the steep aisles for seating.  Arrive early and give yourself time to get a seat and get situated.  You can take a seat in the Theater as early as 8:00 am.