Who We Are
Hello and welcome to the Service Learning website for the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Here you will find information about HU 380 – the service course that all students complete in their Junior or Senior year. The course includes a 35-hour service component – and this brings MIAD students into their immediate community in unique and powerful ways.

To encourage campus/community partnerships and civic engagement, Service Learning is a required component in each student’s tenure at the college. It combines academic objectives with service opportunities within the metro Milwaukee community. As the only art and design college in the country with a service-learning graduation requirement, MIAD’s commitment to service-learning is taken seriously by the college community. Through a program combining rigorous academic work with a required 35 hours of community service, MIAD’s college students volunteer at a wide range of nonprofit organizations, such as women’s shelters, environmental organizations, and afterschool tutoring programs. You can see a complete listing of our partners with links to their websites here.
MIAD is committed to strengthening campus/community partnerships and the college continues to be a nationwide leader in civic-engagement opportunities that help students become active, engaged members of society.