With the fall semester starting soon, check out these important dates that you and your student should know.
August 25–28 – Student Residence Hall Move-In
New out-of-state students move in August 25, new in-state students move in August 26, and upperclassmen move-in is August 27-28. Each student is assigned a move-in time. Students can check their MIAD email for details.
August 26–28 – New Student Orientation
This year’s orientation will be completely virtual. Students will receive information in their emails on how to attend orientation. New students will learn about MIAD, its resources and COVID-19 protocols for the semester.
August 31 – Fall classes begin
Fall semester begins August 31, and continues without a Fall Break until Thanksgiving Break, November 23 – 27. The semester continues online after Thanksgiving Break until December 18.
September 7 – Labor Day; no classes
September 24 – 4-Week Reports due
October 3 – 2020 Commencement
MIAD’s 2020 commencement ceremony is scheduled for 10 a.m. – noon at the Pabst Theater. Read the graduation blog for more information.
October 22 – Midterms reports due
If your student is struggling, encourage them to reach out for help through tutoring, counseling and other academic support resources at MIAD.
November 6 – Last day to withdraw from classes
This is the last day students can drop a class and receive a “W” on their transcript.
November 23–27 – Thanksgiving Break; no classes
Following break, students may either return to campus or remain at home to complete the semester online.
December 18 – Last day of fall classes
January 11, 2021 – Spring 2021 Semester starts