At MIAD, silence is definitely not golden. Although we’ve had an exciting summer filled with Pre-College Programs, the Creative Educators’ Institute for teachers from across the nation and summer undergraduate courses, something special happens here the moment all of your students’ voices fill the studios, classrooms and hallways.
From our faculty to our staff, we’re more than ready to welcome your students back. Many of you know that last year we transformed the First-Year Curriculum to provide students with a contemporary experience that fosters collaborations with peers and faculty across all majors and levels of study, both inside and outside the classroom. Students are placed at the heart of their educational experience to create work that is deeply meaningful both at an immediate level and to their vision of who they want to become.
This does not happen only for our First-Year students. The faculty’s passion to redefine art and design education is based on a deep respect for students’ talents and the continuous need to match these millennial talents to the millennial world. We look forward to sharing with you updates on new programs and initiatives, such as the Sophomore Welcome Back on September 9 at Discovery World, which will provide students a variety of opportunities to talk with alumni and faculty about majors, careers and what to expect during their sophomore year.
We also support your student’s success through myriad Student Services and Academic Resources, and the Parent E-Communication Program, which recognizes your pivotal role as coaches and mentors. This blog supplements our Parent Website so that throughout the year, you can connect to the information and resources you need to fulfill that role, while we alert you to special announcements, news and events as they happen.
So please peruse the information and make special note of Parent/Partner Day on October 22, one of my favorite days of the year. It’s an exciting, meaningful experience for Parents/Partners of students at all stages of their MIAD education, and this year it will coincide with other captivating events at the college.
I am deeply proud to represent all those who work to support your student’s academic, professional, social and emotional wellbeing. If your student has a concern, we hope you will direct them to the professionals who are eager to help them.
Neil Hoffman, President