Having success in classes is the best way for students to develop their creative skills, but career research, job search preparation and professional-related engagement outside of classes is helpful as they navigate the future.
What can a junior or senior do to prepare for their career during Winter Break and in the spring semester? The topics below will be discussed with students in their classes and with their advisors. Please encourage your student to be an active participant in these conversations and accomplish these suggestions.
- Prepare for and pursue summer professional experiences. This includes internships, jobs, freelance projects, commissions, exhibitions and volunteering.
- Develop a portfolio and resume, which are used when contacting businesses and organizations and applying for opportunities.
- Get involved with professional associations and groups if you have not already done so.
- Frequently use the MIAD CanvassCareers website along with other business research and job search websites. The Career Services staff can introduce juniors to these resources if they have not yet been using them.
- If self-employment or entrepreneurial endeavors are of interest, start thinking through the details of what creative work would be offered to clients/customers. If pursuing graduate school, fellowships, or artist residencies, the junior year is a good time to research options.

- Schedule a meeting with Faculty Advisor/Career Services staff to discuss post-graduate plans.
- Finalize portfolio, resume, and other job search materials such as cover letters and establishing references.
- If considering self-employment or entrepreneurial endeavors, develop a business plan. Similarly, if graduate school, fellowships, or artist residencies are a goal, begin the application process.
- Look for job opportunitiy regularly on job search websites. Establish and maintain a profile on these sites as well as networking sites such as LinkedIn and with professional associations. Remember to check out MIAD’s CanvassCareers website.
- Continue researching businesses and organizations, and contact specific businesses that are of interest with portfolio and resume.
- If relocating is part of the plan, research the destination and learn how to make the move happen.
Faculty, advisors and career services staff are available to help students with career and professional related research and activities. MIAD alumni report great satisfaction with their careers and their professional work.
For more details about the above as well as additional suggestions, you are welcome to review the “Professional Preparation Plan” that all students have for their use.