Ina Kaur engages with materials and communities to make artwork and connections. She is trained as a printmaker and over time her practice continues to explore mark-making to expand the material boundaries. The pluralistic approach of making impressions and objects, represents her with multifaceted potential. Her studio practice continues to be grounded in the tradition of rigorous studio engagement where she utilizes naturalistic, curvilinear, organic, and linear forms. “Abstracting” and “simplifying”, working with rudimentary forms allows her to transition between tangible and intangible concepts, conveying both simplistic as well as complex ideas. Her prints incorporate multiple print matrices to develop a single image. The work examines the discursive relationship between knowledge and being. Living in this heightened global, political, ecological imbalance and socially unequal and unjust environment, the need to locate, decode, and connect with one’s inner self and the exterior world is central to her oeuvre. Kaur’s work is essentially an amalgamation of many influences. Kaur’s work abstractly expresses the essence of daily existence, alternating between competing realities and concerns.

In addition to her studio practice, her interest extends to pedagogy and curation. She is passionate about developing new initiatives, implementing projects to engage with the community, and participating in responsive practices. “As of September 2018, Ina Kaur was honored as a 2018 Emerging Voice Award recipient on behalf of the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University. Since 2007 the College of Liberal Arts Alumni Board and the Purdue Alumni Association have been honoring alumni from the College of Liberal Arts who are successfully achieving their career goals, serving their communities, and representing the College as graduates who think broadly and lead boldly.”

See more of Ina Kaur’s work.