Sarah Smelser has been an artist in residence at Vermont Studio Center; Franz Masereel Center, Artica Bilbao, Kala Art Institute, Jentel Artist Residency, Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, Anchor Graphics, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, and Tamarind Institute. Shas had solo exhibitions at Bridgewater/Lustberg & Blumenfeld in New York City, Kathryn Markel Fine Arts in New York City, Urban Institute for Contemporary Art in Grand Rapids, MI, and universities across the country. Her work has been included in invitational and juried shows, and numerous art fairs in the US, Germany, and Spain.

Sarah received her BA from University of California at Santa Cruz, her MA and MFA from the University of Iowa. She is the Harold Boyd Endowed Professor and Associate Director of the Wonsook Kim School of Art at Illinois State University.

See more of Sarah Smelser’s work.