Career Resources Your Student Can Access at MIAD

MIAD students will soon be on a much-deserved break between the fall and spring semesters. This break may be a good time for students to think about their professional goals. The MIAD Career Services staff has many resources for professional development.

The MIAD Career Services Handshake website is a primary resource we encourage students to use. If they have not activated their account and created a profile, the winter break is a great time to do this. On Handshake, students can:

  • Access the Art/Design Careers booklet: Available in the Career Center Resources section, this booklet introduces students to many visual design and art professions and potential career paths.
  • Search for professional opportunities: Students can view postings of professional opportunities (full-/part-time and temporary jobs, internships, freelance projects and exhibitions) in the Jobs section.  
  • Research potential employers: Using the Employers section, students can search in the Labels field to learn about the specific businesses that have recruited for MIAD students. Students can start creating a list of businesses that they may want to consider for professional experience opportunities and start contacting these businesses to inquire about opportunities.

Students are strongly encouraged to create a resume and LinkedIn account if they haven’t already. The information they provided in their Handshake profile provides good content for their resume and LinkedIn. If a student already has both, they could update the content with the skills developed during the fall semester. Some students may now have class projects they could include in their resume.

The Career Services staff are available to further discuss any of the above resources with MIAD students. Student can contact Duane Seidensticker and Christina WickHeiser, MIAD Career Services, at

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